These events are a recall of the traditions of the Salento, often linked to religious worship, through dances and folk music. Among the most important events: the Feast of Saints Pietro and Paolo in Galatina (June 28 to 30) that evokes the traditional rite of healing tarantula bites at San Paolo Church; the Feast of San Rocco in Torre Paduli (August 15 to 17) with the “Danza della Scherma”, a dance which mimics knife combats to the sound of tambourines and harmonicas of the famous Tamburellisti Torrepaduli; the itinerant Festival della Taranta in Grecìa Salentina (August) which promotes local musical and cultural heritage and ends with an enormous concert, the Notte della Taranta in Melpignano (last Saturday of August).
Festivals and traditions