Important Events (dates are given for information and events are subject to change):
- Gallipoli Carnival, Gallipoli: Fat Tuesday;
- Madonna del Miracolo feast, Taviano: 17th February;
- San Sebastiano feast and festival, Racale: 27th – 31st May;
- Sagra te la Frisa (Frise festival (small dry bread)), Matino: 5th and 6th July;
- Feast of the Madonna del Carmine, Gallipoli: between 15th and 17th July;
- Sagra te la Patata (Potato festival), Parabita: 16th and 17th July;
- Sagra delle Stuzzicherie (Stuzzicherie festival), Nardò: 17th July;
- Sagra della Patata e te le cose nosce (Potato and typical products festival), Felline (hamlet of Alliste): 20th July;
- Sagra Benvenuta Estate (Welcome to summer festival), Tuglie: 23rd July;
- Santa Cristina feast, Gallipoli: 23rd – 25th July;
- Sagra te la Purpetta (Meatballs festival), Tuglie: 30th July;
- Ride and Coronation Day, Nardo: 3rd August;
- Sagra dell’Anguria (Watermelon festival), Parabita: early August;
- Santa Caterina feast, Nardò: 19th August;
- Sagra della ‘mpilla (‘mpilla festival), Chiesanuova (hamlet of Sannicola):19th August;
- Sagra dei Fusilli al sapore di mare (Seafood fusilli festival), Tuglie: around August 20th;
- Santa Cesarea feast, Porto Cesareo: 3rd week in August;
- Sagra di Arrivederci Estate (End of summer festival), Tuglie: end of August;
- Cappeddha fair, Taviano: 7th and 8th September;
- New wine feast, Alliste: 11th November.